Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Billing Explorer DeskPro8 Vista7 2010 Full + Keygen [MediaFire]

Kumpulan Software Gratis | Billing Explorer DeskPro8 Vista7 2010 Full + Keygen | Billing Explorer DeskPro8 Vista7 2010Full + Keygen can be downloaded, for the internet cafe owner who still use the 2007 version F.09 DeskPro6 please use this new version.

Version DeskPro7 / 8 2009-2010

DeskPro7 F10

Can Control All Volume / Sound PC Client. Can Billing Server Small Large Volume Set Each PC Client, Disable / Enable Client Messages to Client or Client to Server, More Security, Full Anti Ctrl + Alt + Del, Task Manager Protection, Blocking Controller, Auto Shutdown, Client Settings From Server etc..

DeskPro8 F12 2010

Such facilities could DeskPro7 All Volume Control / Sound PC Client With Additional follows:

USB Lock & Unlock

USB Lock Menvegah Virus Loading from USB. Unlock USB to USB Open return

Point System

With the Point System, Owner figuring & Bonus Game Online can give to the Member or User Internet Game in place.

ABCDE in figuring example:
Users who use the Internet, at least 1 hour, will get the point = 1. If 10 hours, got a point = 10 ff.

These points can be collected as much as possible. Owner figuring Bonus Game will give, for example as follows:

Point number = 4, can be exchanged with soft drinks.
Number of Points = 5, can be exchanged with the bag.
Point number = 8, can be exchanged with HP Voucher.

So the owner can define their own figuring Game Point Rewardnya.

Voucher System Time and Money

With this system, figuring & Game Owner can distinguish Rates for The computer type.

ABCDE in figuring example:

PC No. 1 to 30, cost per hour = 2000 Online Game, but to direct Package 5 Hours bianya = rp. 7500, -

PC No. 31 to 50, cost per hour = 2500 Online Game, but to direct Package 5 Hours bianya = rp. 10.000, -

Game owners can sell Voucher figuring Rated 10,000, - and 7,500, - for Package 5 Hours.

It could cost the division Rates Per Type 1 Group Computer In Room Can Set Rates as follows:

(Personal, Group, Games, Prepaid, Voucher, etc.)

For example: 1 Rooms There are 30 PC Client

Client No. 1 s / d 10 Using Type QuadCore PC, equipped with a WebCam, and AC There was.
Tariffs rp. 3500/Jam, Game rp. 3200/Jam, Member rp. 3000/Jam

Client No. 11 s / d 20 Using PC Core2Core type, equipped with a WebCam.
Tariffs rp. 3300/Jam, Game rp. 3100/Jam, Member rp. 2800/Jam

Client No. 21 s / d 30 Using a PC type Pentium 3, Without a WebCam, and his No AC.
Tariffs rp. 3000/Jam, Game rp. 2900/Jam, Member rp. 2700/Jam

With DeskPro8, a room can be arranged Distribution Charge
VIP Rates, Economy Rates, Etc. Standard Rates

In the version DeskPro8:

1 can be different Member Account Fee Rates
In the example above, if the Member page. PC using the No. 1 s / d 10, the fee was rp. 3000/Jam.
If using a PC No. 11 s / d 20, 2800/Jam fare.
If using a PC No. 21 s / d 30, 2700/Jam fare.

Report To do List (Admin, Operator, etc.)

Billing Activity Report carried out by Admin, Operator, Owner, Such As I entered the Menu Member Area, Configuration Settings, Setting Fees, User Management, Billing, etc. Close.

User Account Management

Edit the register or account that is used to Access Billing, Like List Group Adds Super Admin, Group Admin or regular User Group.

Setting Different Password Each Group Super Admin, Admin, User, etc.

Save Report Data
(The program will detect Billing Report is removed)
(The number of unused Memorandum and the Memorandum which can be deleted unknown)
* Move Admin Mode
Move function can be enabled / disabled by Administrator
* Full Screen Display
Client PC line can be displayed more
* Maximum Screen
Any resolution PC monitor, the screen can be displayed Billing
* Mode calculations can be up to 999 hours
* Protection encrypts data and passwords
* File sound / noise when user disconnect
* Automatic email send report
* Support mail server smtp
* Buy / adding voucher account updates / automatic pre-paid user when online or offline
* Move the automatic client
* Change the background of the client server
* Display and more complete
* Password can be distinguished each login package
* Detection of the ip address client is logged into the server, etc.

A. Facilities The Same As DeskPro3 & DeskPro4.
DeskPro5 & Feature The Same As Having DeskPro6
DeskPro3 and DeskPro4 latest version, with facilities for the Coupled
Other extras.

B. Full Anti CTRL + ALT + DEL, ALT + Esc, Alt + Tab, Shift + Del, etc.
For Windows 95/98/Me/NT/WinXP/WinXP2/Win2000/Win2003
In the Administrator Mode or Limited Mode,
While both Windows Loading Nor Already Login.

C. Encrypt Password Protect
Encrypt Protect: Billing Administrator Password MengEncrypt Data,
Database Password, Password Admin Password Client and All That
Billing is on both Server and Client, so that more Safe & Secure.

D. Voucher System Packages & Pre-paid Voucher
At DeskPro5 & DeskPro6, Log Packages can include Prepaid Package (paid upfront)
or We Pay Behind after User Done.

The Voucher System Version DeksPro5 & DeskPro6 is Complete,
Figuring Game Owner or Admin, live Defining The packet type,
The cost rates, the Old Use, Access Blocking / Non Blocking Each Package,
Disposable package or can be used again and so on.

The operator later made easy for voucher for User / User,
The packet type living Choose which have been defined previously.

There are a variety Voucher System Costs,
Each voucher can also be configured to login Disposable (One Out)
or can also be set the rest of the account can be used to login again.

In addition, each voucher can also be configured, Are We vouchers
of Money (Money) and a voucher package Time (Minutes).

Discount vouchers can also be configured as well, What time is it can be activated Voucher
during a certain time span from what time until what time.

At Games Online & Warnet, Available Rates as follows:
a. Package 7 pm to 6 morning (11 hours) Rp. 20,000, - One Out.

b. Package 9 pm to 5 morning (8 hours) Rp. 15,000, - Remaining Account Can be used again.

c. VIP room, Packages At 8 pm to 6 morning (10 hours) Rp. 25.000, - One Out.

d. Package 4 Hours (Login hour is free) Rp. 5000, - One Out

e. Package 4 Hours (Login hour is free) Rp. 6000, - Remaining Account Can be used again

f. 10 Hour Package (Login hour is free) Rp. 15,000, - One Out

g. 10 Hour Package (Login hour is free) Rp. 20,000, - Remaining Account Can be used again.

h. And so on.

In the example of a.
System voucher Rp. 20.000, -
Discount vouchers can only be used Start Time 7 pm.
Users can log in anytime, starts at 7 pm or 8 pm or 9 pm and so on.
Promptly at 6:59 am, Billing Automatic disconnect. After Disconnect,
vouchers can not be used again.
If you want to add, users can buy a voucher again.

In the example b.
Together with a sample, but If the user has been disconnected,
Users can Login over the rest of the Account is still there.
If you want to add, users can buy a voucher again.

In the example c.
together with a sample,
example is used to differentiate tariffs for VIP or More Rates.

In the example d.
Together with a sample.
However, the voucher package can be used no matter the hour.
After 4 hours, Billing Automatic Disconnect.

In the example e.
Same with example d.
Upon disconnect, users can login for the rest of Account is still there.
If you want to add, users can buy a voucher again.

All Packages, Setting Duration and Cost, time does the package can be activated,
can be set for itself very easy.

Vouchers of each package can also be distinguished,
Are Vouchers for Game Online or Voucher for figuring.

E. Ordinary Member & Member System Prepaid.
Besides the Voucher System, can also use the System Ordinary Member
and Member Pre-paid.

Both the ordinary Member or Member Pre-paid, Everything can be set
same as the Voucher Pack, can be set
The cost rates, the Old Use, Access Blocking / Non Blocking Each Member,
Login or Disposal etc. Can be used again.

The operator later made a member is easy for the user / user.

F. Update Account Voucher Packages / Prepaid
Update Account equipped facility, used for
Updating a User Account that are either online or offline.
Users can extend the account runs out or buy
After the cashier vouchers.

Later easily add live operators User Account
through the menu Update Account.

G. Tariff Calculation With or Without Minimal Time Minimum Time

At Games Online & Warnet, Tariff as follows:
Minimum 10 Minute Time Rp. 1000, - Further Rp.75 thousand per 1 minute.
Option 1. With Minimal Time,
Login first duration to 10 minutes, costs Rp. 1000, -
At minute 11, the cost to rp. 1075, -
At minute 12, the cost to rp. 1150, -
At minute 13, the cost to rp. 1225, -
and so on.

Option 2. Without Minimal Time
Minimum 10 Minute Time Rp. 1200, - then a 5 minute Rp 500 thousand.
Login first duration to 10 minutes, costs Rp. 1200, -
In the minutes to 11-15, the cost to rp. 1500, -
In the minutes to 16-20, the cost to rp. 2000, -
In the minutes to 21-25, the cost to rp. 2500, -
and so on.

Tariff System can be set with ease.

H. System Discounts On Happy Hour
At Games Online & Warnet, Tariff as follows:
Minimal Time 15 Minutes Rp. 750, - per 15 minutes then Rp.750 thousand.
9 pm s / d 6 in the morning, discounts rp. 500 per hour.

On the Billing, Hourly rp 500 discount if the division of Time 15 minutes,
So great discounts rp.125 per 15 minutes.
Discount on the Happy Hour, Fill a large value of 125 for the discount.

I. Usage Discount Based System Lama.
At Games Online & Warnet, Tariff as follows:
Minimal Time 15 Minutes Rp. 750, - per 15 minutes then Rp.750 thousand.
If you play 2 hours, discounts rp. 800.
On the Billing, Cost of Setting, Load Group Costs,
Duration = 120 minutes, a large discount rp. 800

A. Edit / Cancel Transaction Sales
Sales Transactions menu has been equipped with amenities Edit / Cancel,
Transactions and a more complete system,
Can be combined into one with the flag being active,
or Online User is not.

K. Move Client
Move Client facility is easy, just one click,
To Move a User from one Computer to Another Computer.
Equipped with the System Checks Computer Connection Client to Server.

L. Lock Facility Billing While Windows Loading
Functions are used to protect the PC Client during loading windows
So that billing is really close / lock the screen before the user's desktop to the LOGIN.

M. Client After Disconnect,
No Option: Auto Clear Desktop PC, Logoff or Restart Client

N. Support Deepfreeze & Northon Go Back & Protection Others

O. Level Password Security
Level Password Security, Password DATABASE etc.
In contrast to the Previous Version and more secure.

P. Billing Protection Withdrawn From Cable LAN Card

Q. Equipped For the Seeing Automatic
Computer Name and IP Address Billing Server
Here's how:
File Menu - Settings Configuration
Fill in the Admin Password,
If true, it would appear the information
Computer Name & Billing Server IP Address on the General Tab

R. Equipped Send Email Automatically
Revenue Report may be sent to Email Owner figuring Game
Every How many minutes can be set in the Send Email Automatically
or it could be any change Operator

S. Client Monitoring Server Activity Log
Activity Report Server and Client, to see the live-time function from the Billing server PC and the PC Client, Server Can Know the condition or conditions Billing Billing for each PC Client Billing in offkan whether or not on one day or several days.

T. Remote Monitoring
Application Server users can see what is being run by Each Client PC.
Server can be close to or Kill Client applications that are running.
How To Installation:

Show Video Tutorial
Installation in Windows 7 or Vista:

Billing Prior to Install, make sure to Transform the User setting before.
Go To Start - Control Panel
Select User Accounts and Family Safety
Again select User Accounts
Click the User Account that is, Let Any Admin or Windows that will run this.
Select "Change User Account Control Settings"
Scroll down to Never Notify option on (the box at the bottom)
press OK
After that, your new Billing Install Client and Server

Installation on Windows XP sp3:


Billing Prior to Install, make sure to Transform the User setting before.
Go To Start - Control Panel
Select the Security Center - Windows Firewall
Change became Off
Then install as usual


Install as usual
Make sure all active security features to prevent a burglary attempt
if necessary use additional software, like:
Deep Freeze
anti Exe

HOW TO REGISTER ver DeskPro8 Vista7 Billing Explorer 2010

Go to the Help - REGISTRATION
input the admin password is "008"
Figuring the relevant data contents
IMPORTANT! Do not Forget to empty the column Contact Service
Press next, Open KeyGenerator
Enter Serial Number from the Server to KeyGenerator Bex
Then press the "Generate" to KeyGenerator
Copy the entire data registration, billing id, id Deskpro, server id, license number and activation code into the field on the billing SERVER
Having filled in all Hit the "REGISTRATION"
Press Yes and then OK
Exit billing server, the admin password "008"
Then run back, check the Help - Test Register
If the code is correct, it means that appropriate measures are
If it was wrong, did go back over it again more thoroughly. 
Special thanks to Jaisyullah IDWS

Please Buy Billing Explorer Deskpro From Website

 Password :

Billing Explorer DeskPro8 Vista7 2010 Full + Keygen [MediaFire]

Kumpulan Software Gratis | Billing Explorer DeskPro8 Vista7 2010 Full + Keygen | Billing Explorer DeskPro8 Vista7 2010Full + Keygen can be downloaded, for the internet cafe owner who still use the 2007 version F.09 DeskPro6 please use this new version.

Version DeskPro7 / 8 2009-2010

DeskPro7 F10

Can Control All Volume / Sound PC Client. Can Billing Server Small Large Volume Set Each PC Client, Disable / Enable Client Messages to Client or Client to Server, More Security, Full Anti Ctrl + Alt + Del, Task Manager Protection, Blocking Controller, Auto Shutdown, Client Settings From Server etc..

DeskPro8 F12 2010

Such facilities could DeskPro7 All Volume Control / Sound PC Client With Additional follows:

USB Lock & Unlock

USB Lock Menvegah Virus Loading from USB. Unlock USB to USB Open return

Point System

With the Point System, Owner figuring & Bonus Game Online can give to the Member or User Internet Game in place.

ABCDE in figuring example:
Users who use the Internet, at least 1 hour, will get the point = 1. If 10 hours, got a point = 10 ff.

These points can be collected as much as possible. Owner figuring Bonus Game will give, for example as follows:

Point number = 4, can be exchanged with soft drinks.
Number of Points = 5, can be exchanged with the bag.
Point number = 8, can be exchanged with HP Voucher.

So the owner can define their own figuring Game Point Rewardnya.

Voucher System Time and Money

With this system, figuring & Game Owner can distinguish Rates for The computer type.

ABCDE in figuring example:

PC No. 1 to 30, cost per hour = 2000 Online Game, but to direct Package 5 Hours bianya = rp. 7500, -

PC No. 31 to 50, cost per hour = 2500 Online Game, but to direct Package 5 Hours bianya = rp. 10.000, -

Game owners can sell Voucher figuring Rated 10,000, - and 7,500, - for Package 5 Hours.

It could cost the division Rates Per Type 1 Group Computer In Room Can Set Rates as follows:

(Personal, Group, Games, Prepaid, Voucher, etc.)

For example: 1 Rooms There are 30 PC Client

Client No. 1 s / d 10 Using Type QuadCore PC, equipped with a WebCam, and AC There was.
Tariffs rp. 3500/Jam, Game rp. 3200/Jam, Member rp. 3000/Jam

Client No. 11 s / d 20 Using PC Core2Core type, equipped with a WebCam.
Tariffs rp. 3300/Jam, Game rp. 3100/Jam, Member rp. 2800/Jam

Client No. 21 s / d 30 Using a PC type Pentium 3, Without a WebCam, and his No AC.
Tariffs rp. 3000/Jam, Game rp. 2900/Jam, Member rp. 2700/Jam

With DeskPro8, a room can be arranged Distribution Charge
VIP Rates, Economy Rates, Etc. Standard Rates

In the version DeskPro8:

1 can be different Member Account Fee Rates
In the example above, if the Member page. PC using the No. 1 s / d 10, the fee was rp. 3000/Jam.
If using a PC No. 11 s / d 20, 2800/Jam fare.
If using a PC No. 21 s / d 30, 2700/Jam fare.

Report To do List (Admin, Operator, etc.)

Billing Activity Report carried out by Admin, Operator, Owner, Such As I entered the Menu Member Area, Configuration Settings, Setting Fees, User Management, Billing, etc. Close.

User Account Management

Edit the register or account that is used to Access Billing, Like List Group Adds Super Admin, Group Admin or regular User Group.

Setting Different Password Each Group Super Admin, Admin, User, etc.

Save Report Data
(The program will detect Billing Report is removed)
(The number of unused Memorandum and the Memorandum which can be deleted unknown)
* Move Admin Mode
Move function can be enabled / disabled by Administrator
* Full Screen Display
Client PC line can be displayed more
* Maximum Screen
Any resolution PC monitor, the screen can be displayed Billing
* Mode calculations can be up to 999 hours
* Protection encrypts data and passwords
* File sound / noise when user disconnect
* Automatic email send report
* Support mail server smtp
* Buy / adding voucher account updates / automatic pre-paid user when online or offline
* Move the automatic client
* Change the background of the client server
* Display and more complete
* Password can be distinguished each login package
* Detection of the ip address client is logged into the server, etc.

A. Facilities The Same As DeskPro3 & DeskPro4.
DeskPro5 & Feature The Same As Having DeskPro6
DeskPro3 and DeskPro4 latest version, with facilities for the Coupled
Other extras.

B. Full Anti CTRL + ALT + DEL, ALT + Esc, Alt + Tab, Shift + Del, etc.
For Windows 95/98/Me/NT/WinXP/WinXP2/Win2000/Win2003
In the Administrator Mode or Limited Mode,
While both Windows Loading Nor Already Login.

C. Encrypt Password Protect
Encrypt Protect: Billing Administrator Password MengEncrypt Data,
Database Password, Password Admin Password Client and All That
Billing is on both Server and Client, so that more Safe & Secure.

D. Voucher System Packages & Pre-paid Voucher
At DeskPro5 & DeskPro6, Log Packages can include Prepaid Package (paid upfront)
or We Pay Behind after User Done.

The Voucher System Version DeksPro5 & DeskPro6 is Complete,
Figuring Game Owner or Admin, live Defining The packet type,
The cost rates, the Old Use, Access Blocking / Non Blocking Each Package,
Disposable package or can be used again and so on.

The operator later made easy for voucher for User / User,
The packet type living Choose which have been defined previously.

There are a variety Voucher System Costs,
Each voucher can also be configured to login Disposable (One Out)
or can also be set the rest of the account can be used to login again.

In addition, each voucher can also be configured, Are We vouchers
of Money (Money) and a voucher package Time (Minutes).

Discount vouchers can also be configured as well, What time is it can be activated Voucher
during a certain time span from what time until what time.

At Games Online & Warnet, Available Rates as follows:
a. Package 7 pm to 6 morning (11 hours) Rp. 20,000, - One Out.

b. Package 9 pm to 5 morning (8 hours) Rp. 15,000, - Remaining Account Can be used again.

c. VIP room, Packages At 8 pm to 6 morning (10 hours) Rp. 25.000, - One Out.

d. Package 4 Hours (Login hour is free) Rp. 5000, - One Out

e. Package 4 Hours (Login hour is free) Rp. 6000, - Remaining Account Can be used again

f. 10 Hour Package (Login hour is free) Rp. 15,000, - One Out

g. 10 Hour Package (Login hour is free) Rp. 20,000, - Remaining Account Can be used again.

h. And so on.

In the example of a.
System voucher Rp. 20.000, -
Discount vouchers can only be used Start Time 7 pm.
Users can log in anytime, starts at 7 pm or 8 pm or 9 pm and so on.
Promptly at 6:59 am, Billing Automatic disconnect. After Disconnect,
vouchers can not be used again.
If you want to add, users can buy a voucher again.

In the example b.
Together with a sample, but If the user has been disconnected,
Users can Login over the rest of the Account is still there.
If you want to add, users can buy a voucher again.

In the example c.
together with a sample,
example is used to differentiate tariffs for VIP or More Rates.

In the example d.
Together with a sample.
However, the voucher package can be used no matter the hour.
After 4 hours, Billing Automatic Disconnect.

In the example e.
Same with example d.
Upon disconnect, users can login for the rest of Account is still there.
If you want to add, users can buy a voucher again.

All Packages, Setting Duration and Cost, time does the package can be activated,
can be set for itself very easy.

Vouchers of each package can also be distinguished,
Are Vouchers for Game Online or Voucher for figuring.

E. Ordinary Member & Member System Prepaid.
Besides the Voucher System, can also use the System Ordinary Member
and Member Pre-paid.

Both the ordinary Member or Member Pre-paid, Everything can be set
same as the Voucher Pack, can be set
The cost rates, the Old Use, Access Blocking / Non Blocking Each Member,
Login or Disposal etc. Can be used again.

The operator later made a member is easy for the user / user.

F. Update Account Voucher Packages / Prepaid
Update Account equipped facility, used for
Updating a User Account that are either online or offline.
Users can extend the account runs out or buy
After the cashier vouchers.

Later easily add live operators User Account
through the menu Update Account.

G. Tariff Calculation With or Without Minimal Time Minimum Time

At Games Online & Warnet, Tariff as follows:
Minimum 10 Minute Time Rp. 1000, - Further Rp.75 thousand per 1 minute.
Option 1. With Minimal Time,
Login first duration to 10 minutes, costs Rp. 1000, -
At minute 11, the cost to rp. 1075, -
At minute 12, the cost to rp. 1150, -
At minute 13, the cost to rp. 1225, -
and so on.

Option 2. Without Minimal Time
Minimum 10 Minute Time Rp. 1200, - then a 5 minute Rp 500 thousand.
Login first duration to 10 minutes, costs Rp. 1200, -
In the minutes to 11-15, the cost to rp. 1500, -
In the minutes to 16-20, the cost to rp. 2000, -
In the minutes to 21-25, the cost to rp. 2500, -
and so on.

Tariff System can be set with ease.

H. System Discounts On Happy Hour
At Games Online & Warnet, Tariff as follows:
Minimal Time 15 Minutes Rp. 750, - per 15 minutes then Rp.750 thousand.
9 pm s / d 6 in the morning, discounts rp. 500 per hour.

On the Billing, Hourly rp 500 discount if the division of Time 15 minutes,
So great discounts rp.125 per 15 minutes.
Discount on the Happy Hour, Fill a large value of 125 for the discount.

I. Usage Discount Based System Lama.
At Games Online & Warnet, Tariff as follows:
Minimal Time 15 Minutes Rp. 750, - per 15 minutes then Rp.750 thousand.
If you play 2 hours, discounts rp. 800.
On the Billing, Cost of Setting, Load Group Costs,
Duration = 120 minutes, a large discount rp. 800

A. Edit / Cancel Transaction Sales
Sales Transactions menu has been equipped with amenities Edit / Cancel,
Transactions and a more complete system,
Can be combined into one with the flag being active,
or Online User is not.

K. Move Client
Move Client facility is easy, just one click,
To Move a User from one Computer to Another Computer.
Equipped with the System Checks Computer Connection Client to Server.

L. Lock Facility Billing While Windows Loading
Functions are used to protect the PC Client during loading windows
So that billing is really close / lock the screen before the user's desktop to the LOGIN.

M. Client After Disconnect,
No Option: Auto Clear Desktop PC, Logoff or Restart Client

N. Support Deepfreeze & Northon Go Back & Protection Others

O. Level Password Security
Level Password Security, Password DATABASE etc.
In contrast to the Previous Version and more secure.

P. Billing Protection Withdrawn From Cable LAN Card

Q. Equipped For the Seeing Automatic
Computer Name and IP Address Billing Server
Here's how:
File Menu - Settings Configuration
Fill in the Admin Password,
If true, it would appear the information
Computer Name & Billing Server IP Address on the General Tab

R. Equipped Send Email Automatically
Revenue Report may be sent to Email Owner figuring Game
Every How many minutes can be set in the Send Email Automatically
or it could be any change Operator

S. Client Monitoring Server Activity Log
Activity Report Server and Client, to see the live-time function from the Billing server PC and the PC Client, Server Can Know the condition or conditions Billing Billing for each PC Client Billing in offkan whether or not on one day or several days.

T. Remote Monitoring
Application Server users can see what is being run by Each Client PC.
Server can be close to or Kill Client applications that are running.
How To Installation:

Show Video Tutorial
Installation in Windows 7 or Vista:

Billing Prior to Install, make sure to Transform the User setting before.
Go To Start - Control Panel
Select User Accounts and Family Safety
Again select User Accounts
Click the User Account that is, Let Any Admin or Windows that will run this.
Select "Change User Account Control Settings"
Scroll down to Never Notify option on (the box at the bottom)
press OK
After that, your new Billing Install Client and Server

Installation on Windows XP sp3:


Billing Prior to Install, make sure to Transform the User setting before.
Go To Start - Control Panel
Select the Security Center - Windows Firewall
Change became Off
Then install as usual


Install as usual
Make sure all active security features to prevent a burglary attempt
if necessary use additional software, like:
Deep Freeze
anti Exe

HOW TO REGISTER ver DeskPro8 Vista7 Billing Explorer 2010

Go to the Help - REGISTRATION
input the admin password is "008"
Figuring the relevant data contents
IMPORTANT! Do not Forget to empty the column Contact Service
Press next, Open KeyGenerator
Enter Serial Number from the Server to KeyGenerator Bex
Then press the "Generate" to KeyGenerator
Copy the entire data registration, billing id, id Deskpro, server id, license number and activation code into the field on the billing SERVER
Having filled in all Hit the "REGISTRATION"
Press Yes and then OK
Exit billing server, the admin password "008"
Then run back, check the Help - Test Register
If the code is correct, it means that appropriate measures are
If it was wrong, did go back over it again more thoroughly. 
Special thanks to Jaisyullah IDWS

Please Buy Billing Explorer Deskpro From Website

 Password :

AI RoboForm 7.7.1 Enterprise Full + Patch For PC [MediaFire]

Kumpulan Software Gratis | AI RoboForm 7.7.1 Enterprise Full + Patch | AI Roboform is a password manager software that will store your passwords.
Roboform will automatically save the password you use to login to an account. Here Ishare version, 7.7.1 AI Roboform Enterprise which used to be installed on the PC.

Always remember your Master Password. The master password is the password toaccess the main Roboform to be safe.

RoboForm is a powerful application allows you to store That and to manage login information, bookmarks and more useful items in a secure location. The application integrates as a toolbar in the most popular Internet browsers Such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
The most used function of the program is to store website login information. You can add a new item by navigating to a website and entering the username and the password. The browser's toolbar detects the password field and prompts you to save the password and to store it in the database.
You can also use the program to store bookmarks and to access them from the toolbar. The program allows you to navigate to a bookmark by selecting it from the toolbar. When you save the login information you can open the website and enter the password with just one click. It allows you to bypass the login process and to Quickly access the website.
To allow the program to fill the forms you need to create an identity That includes a wide variety of information from names or the cell number to the bank account number or SSN. Nearly all information you need to fill Might an Internet form can be stored in the program. If there is Something That the developer missed, you can create your own custom fields.
The program can also save passwords from other applications Such as Outlook or Windows Live Mail. If it is running the program detects the password fields and prompts you to save the information. Later you can open the application and enter the login information with just one click.
RoboForm That includes a Contacts database can be used to store information Important That you want to protect from other users. This is a plus since not all the applications deal with this That type of details have the option to protect them with a password.
If you have a lot of passwords stored in the Internet browser, the program includes the option to migrate the information. You can import data from other browsers but also from the Windows Address Book and from CSV or TXT files.
That the information stored in the program is can only be accessed with the master password That you are prompted to set during the installation of the program. So you can be sure That no other computer users can access your private data.
A very useful feature of the program is to store your information online. This allows you to access the login information from any computer and even from mobile devices. For that you need a paid subscription to a RoboForm Everywhere account.
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet and regularly fill the same information on different websites, this program can help you save time and increase of productivity.
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside.
AI RoboForm allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to aweb form.
This information is then saved within AI RoboForm, and when you need to fill a form,just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out.
Being fully client-based AI RoboForm can be very fast, it never disables web sitefunctions and AI RoboForm can also work in pop-up HTML windows.
The most Important feature of AI RoboForm is high accuracy - it fills 95% of all fieldscorrectly.
Key Feature:
· AutoSave passwords in browser
· AutoFill passwords to login form
· Click Login button for you
· Fill personal info into online forms
· Save offline passwords & notes
· Generate Secure Random Passwords
· Encrypt passwords and personal info using 3-DES
· All personal info is stored on your computer only
· Put passwords on USB keychain for extra security
· Sync your passwords and safenotes to a Palm
· Backup & Restore, Print your passwords
What's new in AI RoboForm 7.7.1:
February 17th, 2012
· Installer: Elevate Standard (Limited) user.
· Installer: fix 'All Users' flag is ignored, if installed from Standard user.
· Installer: Fix IE does not close the download manager when RF was downloaded.
· Reduce number of frameset dispatcher messages, to speed browsing with RFinstalled.
· Matching passcards list: minimize the number of rebuilds for this list.
· New reference counting system, to Prevent crashes.
· Firefox, Chrome, Opera: speed up form filling and browsing.
· Firefox, Chrome, Opera: fix form filling issues found by users.
· Firefox: RF toolbar fix ignores the "Show Logins and Bookmarks together" setting.
· Firefox: show number of highlighted words next to the highlighter button in RFtoolbar.
· Firefox: Hide show RoboForm Toolbar command in the menu of RF toolbar in Firefox.
· Firefox: Fix copyright string in the RF plugin DLL.
· Firefox: fix showing popup box on entering MP from passscard opened from RFsearch box.
· Firefox: Hide Toolbar command fix does not work.
· Firefox: fix floating toolbar is shown automatically in the browser full screen mode.
· Firefox: set max supported Firefox version to 12.0.
· Fix Firefox addon is installed even if it was unchecked in Browser Integration setuppage.
· Firefox: fix RF AutoSave and AutoFill window bars overlap Firefox bookmarks bar.
· Firefox: RF fix the installer can not work with Firefox profile named with non-latinchars.
· Opera: Opera fixed in some installations of RF can not install an addon into Operain limited account.
· Firefox, Chrome, Opera: detection of improv based on these alternative browsers.
· Firefox: Caused by fix reentrancy crashes.
· Search Box: Fix search options list is updated on each key press, too often.
· Search: replace MSN Search with Bing Search.
· Print List: New Print List formatting.
· Sync intergrate new algorithm from ver GoodSync 9.0.7.
· New code signing certificate from Comodo.
 Password :

AI RoboForm 7.7.1 Enterprise Full + Patch For PC [MediaFire]

Kumpulan Software Gratis | AI RoboForm 7.7.1 Enterprise Full + Patch | AI Roboform is a password manager software that will store your passwords.
Roboform will automatically save the password you use to login to an account. Here Ishare version, 7.7.1 AI Roboform Enterprise which used to be installed on the PC.

Always remember your Master Password. The master password is the password toaccess the main Roboform to be safe.

RoboForm is a powerful application allows you to store That and to manage login information, bookmarks and more useful items in a secure location. The application integrates as a toolbar in the most popular Internet browsers Such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
The most used function of the program is to store website login information. You can add a new item by navigating to a website and entering the username and the password. The browser's toolbar detects the password field and prompts you to save the password and to store it in the database.
You can also use the program to store bookmarks and to access them from the toolbar. The program allows you to navigate to a bookmark by selecting it from the toolbar. When you save the login information you can open the website and enter the password with just one click. It allows you to bypass the login process and to Quickly access the website.
To allow the program to fill the forms you need to create an identity That includes a wide variety of information from names or the cell number to the bank account number or SSN. Nearly all information you need to fill Might an Internet form can be stored in the program. If there is Something That the developer missed, you can create your own custom fields.
The program can also save passwords from other applications Such as Outlook or Windows Live Mail. If it is running the program detects the password fields and prompts you to save the information. Later you can open the application and enter the login information with just one click.
RoboForm That includes a Contacts database can be used to store information Important That you want to protect from other users. This is a plus since not all the applications deal with this That type of details have the option to protect them with a password.
If you have a lot of passwords stored in the Internet browser, the program includes the option to migrate the information. You can import data from other browsers but also from the Windows Address Book and from CSV or TXT files.
That the information stored in the program is can only be accessed with the master password That you are prompted to set during the installation of the program. So you can be sure That no other computer users can access your private data.
A very useful feature of the program is to store your information online. This allows you to access the login information from any computer and even from mobile devices. For that you need a paid subscription to a RoboForm Everywhere account.
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet and regularly fill the same information on different websites, this program can help you save time and increase of productivity.
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside.
AI RoboForm allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to aweb form.
This information is then saved within AI RoboForm, and when you need to fill a form,just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out.
Being fully client-based AI RoboForm can be very fast, it never disables web sitefunctions and AI RoboForm can also work in pop-up HTML windows.
The most Important feature of AI RoboForm is high accuracy - it fills 95% of all fieldscorrectly.
Key Feature:
· AutoSave passwords in browser
· AutoFill passwords to login form
· Click Login button for you
· Fill personal info into online forms
· Save offline passwords & notes
· Generate Secure Random Passwords
· Encrypt passwords and personal info using 3-DES
· All personal info is stored on your computer only
· Put passwords on USB keychain for extra security
· Sync your passwords and safenotes to a Palm
· Backup & Restore, Print your passwords
What's new in AI RoboForm 7.7.1:
February 17th, 2012
· Installer: Elevate Standard (Limited) user.
· Installer: fix 'All Users' flag is ignored, if installed from Standard user.
· Installer: Fix IE does not close the download manager when RF was downloaded.
· Reduce number of frameset dispatcher messages, to speed browsing with RFinstalled.
· Matching passcards list: minimize the number of rebuilds for this list.
· New reference counting system, to Prevent crashes.
· Firefox, Chrome, Opera: speed up form filling and browsing.
· Firefox, Chrome, Opera: fix form filling issues found by users.
· Firefox: RF toolbar fix ignores the "Show Logins and Bookmarks together" setting.
· Firefox: show number of highlighted words next to the highlighter button in RFtoolbar.
· Firefox: Hide show RoboForm Toolbar command in the menu of RF toolbar in Firefox.
· Firefox: Fix copyright string in the RF plugin DLL.
· Firefox: fix showing popup box on entering MP from passscard opened from RFsearch box.
· Firefox: Hide Toolbar command fix does not work.
· Firefox: fix floating toolbar is shown automatically in the browser full screen mode.
· Firefox: set max supported Firefox version to 12.0.
· Fix Firefox addon is installed even if it was unchecked in Browser Integration setuppage.
· Firefox: fix RF AutoSave and AutoFill window bars overlap Firefox bookmarks bar.
· Firefox: RF fix the installer can not work with Firefox profile named with non-latinchars.
· Opera: Opera fixed in some installations of RF can not install an addon into Operain limited account.
· Firefox, Chrome, Opera: detection of improv based on these alternative browsers.
· Firefox: Caused by fix reentrancy crashes.
· Search Box: Fix search options list is updated on each key press, too often.
· Search: replace MSN Search with Bing Search.
· Print List: New Print List formatting.
· Sync intergrate new algorithm from ver GoodSync 9.0.7.
· New code signing certificate from Comodo.
 Password :

Download SAM Broadcaster 4.9.2 Full + Patch

Kumpulan Software Gratis | SAM Broadcaster 4.9.2 Full + Patch | SAM Broadcaster is an application that can allow you to create online radio. SAMBroadcaster 4.9.2 has a display that is easy to understand but has a lot offirur-professional features. Well suited for those who want to create your own radiostation online as well as the FM transmitter.
SAM Broadcaster represents a Professional Internet broadcast DJ solution. SAM is a powerful & advanced broadcast automation solution has been undergoing That continuous development now for over 5 years, specifically to fully meet the "specialized" needs of online broadcasters.
Key Feature:
The most advanced streaming encoders: Able to encode aacPlusv2, MP3, mp3PRO, WM9 and Ogg - playing on Winamp, Windows Media Player, Live365, Musicmatch, and many more!
Supports all major streaming servers, Including SHOUTcast, Windows Media, Live365, SteamCast and Icecast.
View statistics in real-time: Know how many listeners are connected to your radio station at any moment. This data is also logged for performance reporting.
SAM interfaces with your website and allows automated song requests, improving the experience of your listeners. Your audience sees artist, title, album, cover art, and other information on the songs played.
Generate additional revenue with the StreamAds advertising delivery platform.SAM Broadcaster is internet radio software That makes you money!
· 350MHz
· 64RAM
· 50MB disk space
What's New in This Release:
New Spacial brand and user interface with lots of usability improvements!
Updated encoder timers to show days of uptime.
Updated Shoutcast 2 encoder to properly ignore the metadata when the metadata is disabled.
Removed StreamAds support. Please contact Triton Digital for all your advertising needs.
SAM-> General-> Output HTML moved under SAM-> Tools-> HTML Output menu.
List your radio station on with the new PAL script That ships with SAM.See TuneIn.pal inside PAL folder.
Improved detection for Mic soundcard config.
Improved Search window.
Apply to Album · Improved functionality.
SoundFX now have space for 16 items.
Water / Cue mute and volume control can be set directly from the toolbar.
Layout now always stored to the default layout on exit. Also, new layout extension of .Sul
Huge speed improvement when closing EQ / AGC / DSP config screen.
UI now forces windows to show inside the visible area.

MiniTool Partition Wizard Server Edition 7.1 Full + Bootable [MediaFire]

Kumpulan Software Gratis | MiniTool Partition Wizard Server Edition 7.1 Full + Bootable | Surely my friends already know its function. MiniTool Partition Wizard Server Edition7.1 Full + Boot this CD you can use to partition / divide or combine hard drivepartitions. It could also make bigger reduce existing partitions without data loss. This software is more userfriendly than the features of the default Windows partition.please check.
Partition Wizard Server Edition is a handy and powerful partition manager supportsboth MBR and That GUID partition table format. It manages the Windows serverQuickly and Safely. When you use "Move / Resize Partition" function, the EnhancedData Protecting technology keeps your data safe even in case of power outages orhardware failure.
Partition Wizard Server Edition can perform basic and advanced partitionoperations on your servers without data loss, Including: Resize / Move partitions,Copy Partition, Copy Disk, Create and Delete Partition partitions, Format partitions,Convert partitions, Explore partitions, Hide and Unhide partitions , Set activepartition, etc.Changes of partitions can be previewed before Applying to the harddisk and all data is completely protected during any operation.
Key Feature:
· Resize / Move partition: Easily resize / move partition without data loss.
· Create, format, delete partition.
· Convert partition from FAT to NTFS format.
· Hide and Unhide partitions, set active partition, label the drive letter.
· Partition Copy: Copy the entire partition to unallocated space with high performance file-by-file. moving technology. Backup or move data without any dataloss.
· Partition Recovery: Scan disk to restore deleted or Damaged partitions.
· Hard Disk Copy: Copy an entire disk to a different diskquickly and easily with dataclone technology. Backup data disk without data loss.
· X86 or compatible CPU with 500MHz main frequency
· Capacity memory above 256MB of RAM
What's New in This Release:
· Convert Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk.
· Disk Surface Test.
· Partition Surface Test.
· Change Partition Serial Number.
· Change Partition Type ID.
Well, perhaps there is a need Bootablenya version can be downloaded below.Bootable version of this you can plug in flash or on CD / DVD for the next time youboot your PC. Sounds like the recovery disk.

Download AI RoboForm2Go 7.7.1 Enterprise Full + Patch [MediaFire]

Kumpulan Software Gratis | AI RoboForm2Go 7.7.1 Enterprise Full + Patch | AI Roboform is a password manager software that will store your passwords.
Roboform will automatically save the password you use to login to an account. Here I share for the version installed on the USB drive / stick. Previously I've shared in the version that is installed on the PC AI RoboForm 7.7.1 Enterprise.
Always remember your Master Password. The master password is the password toaccess the main Roboform to be safe.
A client-based alternative to Single Sign-On (SSO), RoboForm Enterprise deliversfast, simplified password management, password solving the growing inflationproblem for your organization at a fraction of the cost of traditional SSO.
Increased Employee Productivity and Satisfaction with a Single, Secure Login to AllApplications
Automatically logs employees into their myriad applications (web based and Win32-based applications).
Immediate Results with Fast, Straightforward Roll-out
Requires no integration or infrastructure changes, and can be deployed in minutes!
Cost-Effective with Rapid ROI
Saves your organization money with a low price point and instant savings IT help desk.
Easily share and deploy credentials securely
Using Dual Master Password functionality, users will have the abilty to usecredentials without knowing your organization's secure passwords
Powerful Integration into your business needs
Form Filling feature can be linked to your organization's existing database
RoboForm Enterprise Console Managed
Easily distribute passcards, Safenotes, and Identities Between Users
Compatible with Citrix and other virtual environments
RoboForm Enterprise has been deployed in XenApps, XenDesktop, TerminalServices, and other desktop virtualization / cloud computing environments.
RoboForm's system requirements are minimal and can be run on just about any desktop or laptop.
Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win7
Internet Explorer 6 and higher, or Mozilla / Firefox 1.0 or higher
20 MB of available hard disk space
128 MB RAM
500 MHz Processor or better
Employees, IT decision makers and IT security personnel across the enterprise are faced with a difficult, password management problem: Too many passwords.
Employees are expected to remember multiple passwords with increasingly Stronger password policies must be Often That changed on a recurring basis. With this tremendous rise in password inflation, employees simply can not keep track of these passwords and will compromise corporate security by taking unsecure shortcuts (like writing them down or storing them in Unprotected files) to remember them.
Users also regularly contact the help desk for password re-sets or retrievals, the which runs up IT costs significantly.
What can you and your organization do to address this problem?
Using RoboForm Enterprise by cyber-Systems, you can solve your password problems by empowering your employees to access all of Their protected applications using a single, secure passwords, truly Achieving the promise of Single Sign-On (SSO) without the cost and complexity.
How does RoboForm Enterprise help?
Right out of the box, it stores and Remembers employee passwords and automatically logs employees into their applications, conveniently and securely, using one secure, master password. It has the effect of actually improving security for your organization as well, since you can Enforce password policies That your users will actually (and easily) follow.
Unlike traditional SSO offerings, the which are expensive, complex, and require months to implement, RoboForm Enterprise offers a simplified alternative That can be up and running in minutes, giving administrators the flexibility to customize and control settings.
RoboForm Enterprise provides an immediate return on investment with reasonable pricing (a fraction of the cost of traditional SSO) That can be recovered through instant IT help desk savings and more productive employees.
RoboForm2Go is an optimized version of AI RoboForm for USB-Sticks, allowing you to carry with you the login information.
RoboForm password manager securely stores online and offline passwords on your desktop or laptop, automatically logs you into online accounts and completes online registration and checkout forms with one click.
RoboForm2Go Logins stores on your USB Flash Drive. Plug your flash drive into any computer and enjoy all the benefits of RoboForm. Install this version directly on your flash drive. RoboForm2Go has the option to synchronize with a RoboForm Everywhere (Online) account.
 Password :

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